Our Story

Our combination of ingredients that we have developed over the years, comes from the necessity to help our bodies fight off infection and support our natural immune system instead of ingesting synthetic medications and chemicals. 

For the past 28 years we have learned the path to holistic wellness using natural ingredients for our health, starting with eliminating foods from our diet that cause allergies and inflammation and drinking plenty of filtered water.
 Over the years we have benefited from the primary health treatment of our Applied Kinesiologist, chiropractors, and by practicing yoga. We have learned the benefits of many ingredients along with essential oils that can be taken sublingualy, to fight off viruses and bacteria, especially the power of Oregano oil. With so many people becoming sick with the coronavirus, we felt it was time to share what we have learned in order to help more people outside of our inner circle to learn how to fight off the virus, bacterial infections and other maladies, by assisting their bodies immune system.
 We at Eden’s Bloom Wellness formulated three different ways to use our product because we know not everyone is able to drink the apple cider vinegar or even have a pot of herbal tea. We wanted to make something that can be beneficial for your body and used three different ways to give you flexibility. In order for a product to work, you have to use it consistently and we wanted to give people several options to make it work best for their lifestyle and their family. 